Monday, December 08, 2003


I just added some new tracks to the Audio-Visual Page.

The first is an early compilation appearance, followed by two remixes of "Testosterone" that were done by our friend Matdonald's Mind Control.


[note: dead link removed]

Tuesday, November 11, 2003


From David:
happy veterinarian's day!
if you're bored at work today, or feel inclined to answer questions about the people you hang out with to your coworkers- send them to the fudgie and fufu website for the double whammy installment of new pictures


the first set being a show we did in cleveland, and the second set from the show in which fufu attempted suicide an the Sparks cover band SPARX came in to finish the show- also doing some fudgie and fufu memory.
[note: dead link removed]

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Monday, October 20, 2003

Donkey punches to those who did not attend the Cleveland Fudgie & Fufu / The Black Fives show this weekend, which means donkey punches to nearly eveyone in the world.

Monday, October 13, 2003

Hey, buttons added, courtesy of Fufu.


Monday, September 22, 2003

Hey, go check out the Audio/Visual page -- we've just uploaded a ton of audio for you, including some stuff that's been uheard by almost anyone!

[note: dead link removed]

Friday, September 19, 2003

Ok, so check this out: I created a Fudgie & Fufu email list. Subscribe to get announcements and stuff from the boys or me about shows, web updates, and just general weirdness. Here's a neat form you can use now to subscribe, in case you don't have access to your email at the moment.

I'll be adding one like it to some other page on the site forthwith.


Tuesday, September 16, 2003


Please direct your mouse (or other clicking device) to the Pictures page, where you will find the first of a hopefully monthly installment of pictures.

This set is the already infamous "Viking Set", featuring 21 pictures taken on Fudgie & Fufu's recent American tour with Creekbird.


[note: dead link removed]

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Hello, this is the sort-of webmaster, Quahogs.

I just thought I'd point out that I was looking at the sitemeter statistics, and for those folks that came to via search engines, it looks like more people were searching for "fufu" than "fudgie", or even "fudgie and fufu".

Obviously, then, Fufu must be the coolest. Take that, Fudgie!
